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Seminar on Machine Learning in Health



Dr. Maria Kalweit1
Prof. Dr. Joschka Boedecker2


Dr. Gabriel Kalweit3, Mehdi Naouar,4 Yannick Vogt5, Lisa Graf6, Ann-Kathrin Kiessner


Machine Learning, with its advanced algorithms and predictive modeling, has revolutionized numerous sectors, including healthcare. This seminar seeks to provide a focused examination of specific medical use cases. Participants will be invited to critically assess the inherent challenges associated with medical data, which often include limited sample sizes, noise, missing values and potential biases, and will explore state-of-the-art Machine Learning methods which can help to address these very challenges.

The format is the following:

Introductory lecture: We will discuss general aspects of scientific presentations in the beginning and define the format of the seminar.

Phase I:  Each participant will become an expert in one methodological core area by reading one or multiple research papers, which we will assign after the students express their interest. Then, the students will form teams in the respective core areas and discuss advantages and disadvantages of their papers together.

Phase II: The students will again form groups to discuss specific medical use cases in light of the methodological core areas. Each group in Phase II will consist of one expert from each core area.

At the end of the semester, there will be a (potentially open-door) mini-symposium, in which the students will present their findings in both a prepared talk and a poster session.

Course information

Course number: 11LE13S-7341-M
Attendees: 12

NEXUS Lab on the ground floor of the new IMBIT building (Georges-Köhler-Allee 201).

The meetings are in person.
Course Schedule:

Introduction:  Monday, October 14th, 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 (s.t.)

Block Seminar: TBA
Requirements: Prior knowledge in Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
Selection Procedure: Please register via HISInOne. Candidates are prioritised if they either are present at the introduction event or write a short motivational mail to Maria Kalweit1 until Wednesday, October 16th 23:59am. The subject line should include [ML in Health]. After you have been confirmed, you will then bid on a topic as discussed in the introduction event.
Resources: Poster guideline as pptx7 or pdf8



All deadlines are due at 11:59 PM GMT+2 (These are hard deadlines!) and all meetings are in person and mandatory. Please only register if you can be there in person in every meeting.

Date Done Comment
Announcement paper list:  Friday, October 11th Topics are listed below
Paper Voting Deadline: Thursday, October 31st   Assignments will be announced Monday, November 4th via email! Please vote for the papers on Ilias.
First Meeting with Supervisors: Friday, November 29th   Please send a pdf of the poster draft via email to Maria Kalweit1 until Monday, November 25th. We will meet in IMBIT, room 42 (first floor, beside the kitchen). First, you will get an introduction into your core area. Then, you will present your poster in a small round. Please prepare, that is a dry-run of the symposium to get feedback (the draft will not be graded).
Final Poster Deadline: Monday, December 9th   Please send a pdf of the poster via email until Monday, December 9th.
Announcement Medical Use Cases Monday, December 9th We will announce the medical use cases via email.
Second Meeting with Supervisors: Friday, January 24th


Please send a pdf or pptx of the presentation draft until Monday, January 20th. We will meet in IMBIT, room 42 (first floor, beside the kitchen). You can give a test-talk and receive feedback (the draft will not be graded).
Final Presentation Deadline: Sunday, February 2nd  
Block Seminar [Format: Symposium]: Friday, February 7th

1st Meeting with Supervisors

 We will meet in IMBIT, room 42 (1st floor behind the kitchen) to discuss your poster drafts and general questions.

Category A Explainability  9:15 - 10:15
Category B Efficiency 10:15 - 11:15
Category C Accessible AI 13:00 - 14:00
Category D Trustworthy AI 14:00 - 15:00


2nd Meeting with Supervisors

We will meet in IMBIT, room 42 (1st floor behind the kitchen) to discuss your presentation drafts and general questions.

Medical Use Case 1 Delirium Prediction  9:15 - 10:15
Medical Use Case 2 Diagnostic Assistance in Histopathology 10:15 - 11:15
Medical Use Case 3 Developing Target-Specific Antibodies for Cancer Therapy 13:00 - 14:00
Medical Use Case 4 Unstructured Clinical EEG Reports  14:00 - 15:00



Once the posters are created, we will work on specific medical use cases. Then, you will work in a team with experts of the different core areas (category A-D) to create an oral presentation with slides (we will have 4 oral presentations).


The poster assignment will be announced via email. Everyone creates his or her own poster about his or her assigned paper, which he or she will then present at the mini-symposium in the poster session (we will have 16 posters in total). In your core area group (category A - D), we will shortly go over the corresponding topic and talk about all posters on November 29, so that all of you get an overview over the core area and to get feedback on your paper from the supervisors and the other students.


The seminar will end with a mini-symposium on 7th of February 2025. As described in the "Presentations" and "Posters" section, there will be an oral presentations for each medical use case as well as poster sessions where each student will present their poster in a short pitch. This event will give you the opportunity to get an impression of how conferences are held. You will have the opportunity to both present as well as look at other research that might interest you. It is mandatory to be there for the entire symposium.

The program for the symposium can be found here10


If you have been accepted to the seminar, you should have been added to the Ilias9 course. If you don't see the course in Ilias, please contact Lisa Graf6.

For the paper voting process, please use the form provided on Ilias. You have to choose all 12 papers, assigning them different priority levels (from 1 to 12). Make sure to assign only one paper per priority. Priority 1 should be your top choice.

Please submit your votes by Thursday, October 31 11:59PM. Any votes submitted after this deadline will not be considered. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences and ensure that you are assigned papers that align with your interests.



Category A: Explainability

Category B: Efficiency

Category C: Accessible AI

Category D: Trustworthy AI