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Jasper Hoffmann

PhD Student



Institut für Informatik
Freiburg Georges-Koehler-Allee 201
79110 Freiburg im Breisgau


  • Rare Events
  • Distributional Reinforcement Learning
  • Model Predictive Control
  • Autonomous Driving
  • Active Learning


  • TA Reinforcement Learning, Winter 24/25
  • TA MPCRL Seasonal School, Summer 23
  • TA Seminar & Proseminar, Summer 23
  • TA Reinforcement Learning, Winter 22/23
  • TA MPCRL Seasonal School, Summer 22
  • TA Q-learning Proseminar, Summer 22
  • TA Reinforcement Learning, Winter 21/22
  • TA MPCRL Seasonal School, Summer 21



Rudolf Reiter*, Jasper Hoffmann*, Dirk Reinhardt, Florian Messerer, Katrin Baumgärtner, Shamburaj Sawant, Joschka Boedecker, Moritz Diehl, Sebastien Gros. Synthesis of Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning: Survey and Classification. 2025. arxiv


Felix Schulz*, Jasper Hoffmann*, Yuan Zhang and Joschka Boedecker. Learning When to Trust the Expert for Guided Exploration in RL. ICML Workshop on Foundations of RL and Control (FoRLaC). 2024. arxiv

Rudolf Reiter, Andrea Ghezzi, Katrin Baumgärtner, Jasper Hoffmann, Robert D. McAllister and Moritz Diehl. AC4MPC: Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. 2024. arxiv

Yuan Zhang, Jasper Hoffmann and Joschka Boedecker. UDUC: An Uncertainty-driven Approach for Learning-based Robust Control. 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). 2024. arxiv

Jasper Hoffmann, Diego Fernandez, Julien Brosseit, Julian Bernhard, Klemens Esterle, Moritz Werling, Michael Karg, and Joschka Boedecker. PlanNetX: Learning an Efficient Neural Network Planner from MPC for Longitudinal Control6th Annual Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference (L4DC). 2024. arxiv


Andrea Ghezzi*, Jasper Hoffman*, Jonathan Frey, Joschka Boedecker, Moritz Diehl. Imitation Learning from Nonlinear MPC via the Exact Q-Loss and its Gauss-Newton Approximation. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). 2023. arxiv

Rudolf Reiter, Jasper Hoffmann, Joschka Boedecker and Moritz Diehl. A Hierarchical Approach for Strategic Motion Planning in Autonomous Racing. European Control Conference (ECC). 2023. arxiv


Jasper Hoffmann*Shashank Agnihotri*Tonmoy SaikiaThomas Brox. Towards improving robustness of compressed CNNs. ICML Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning (UDL). 2021. web